Web apps… no coding needed

Sonoma has only a few features above Ventura but one of the best is creating web apps.

I know this sounds like you need long hair and a leather waistcoat to achieve but trust me, no programming skills are required.

A web app, in this instance, is bottling up a web page into a single clickable icon. In a black magic kind of way it gives you this without ever actually launching Safari to do so.

Lets get into it and it will all make sense.

I use a service called Charge HQ that uses the internet to monitor my solar panels, their input and the state of my Tesla’s car battery. By doing so this ensures that Fatso (thats the cars name) only charges from solar power. To monitor how this is going and to change any settings I use an app on my iPhone but if I want to do the same thing on my Mac I need to run a webpage.

Well, not anymore because now I can create my own app with just a few clicks and zero programming powers.

Firstly, I open the website in safari. You can just as easily test this with your bank website, electricity provider, PayPal, … anything really.

I go to www.chargehq.com

Predictably it launches a web page in Safari.

Once I log in all I have to do is click on the File menu and choose Add to Dock…

From here I can change the name if I wish and then click on Add

It is now added to my Dock.

From here I can simply click on the icon and it will take me to that page without using Safari to do so.

It will remember your user name and password and you’ll notice that the app I am running is ChargeHQ…. not Safari so it really is acting like a stand alone app.

I have used this in a couple of places and I can tell you it is minor, but very welcomed, little feature.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.macservicesact.com.au/web-apps-no-coding-needed/

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