Turning a website into an App – quickly

On your iPhone or iPad, is there a website you are always going to?

Whether it be checking the BOM because the website is better than the sanitised app or maybe info you rely on daily is only available via a website, you may find you are in Safari a lot. 

Always going to the same few websites.

There is a very simple way to make these website act like an app, making the whole process quick, simple and streamlined.

Open Safari.

Navigate to the website in question.

In my example I am visiting macservicesact.com.au because I understand they have pretty good articles on all things Apple.

Anyway…. When the page loads tap on the Share icon

Scroll down until you see Add to Home Screen

After tapping on the small cross in the name field,  you can give it a catchy name like “mac stuff” ands then tap on Add

From now on, when you want info from the BOM or macservices, all you need do is tap on the icon in just the same way you do when you want to open Mail or IMDB or, ironically, Safari. 

Permanent link to this article: https://www.macservicesact.com.au/turning-a-website-into-an-app-quickly/

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