Turn off “Now Playing” on Apple Watch

Uri Geller managed it in the 70’s and I am going to try it now… I am going to make a prediction across the vastness of the internet and, depending on when you read this, into the unknowingness of the future as well. 

Here goes…


You have an Apple Watch and when you lift it up to do anything you are faced with the annoying “Playing Now” screen and what’s more you have to dismiss it before you can doing anything else.

How did I do? Just like the con man of the 1970’s,  I am betting 50-50.

So if you are one of the 50% read on and I will give you the easy (when you know where to look that is) method of ridding yourself of this little interface irritation.

  1. Grab your iPhone. 
  2. Locate the Watch app and tap on it.
  3. Tap on General.
  4. Tap on Wake Screen.
  5. Turn off Auto launch Audio Apps.

That’s it. If you are anything like me, you’ll enjoy using your Apple Watch a whole lot more now that you don’t have to wrestle with it.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.macservicesact.com.au/turn-off-now-playing-on-apple-watch/

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