Hello. How are you all? The last time I submitted an article I recall, with waves of embarrassment, saying I was going to get loads of articles out of the way because I was stuck at home. How wrong I was!. I don’t think we have been busier since the lockdown started. So apologies for …
Tag: upgrades
Permanent link to this article: https://www.macservicesact.com.au/a-super-faq/
Apr 09 2019
Remove old devices from your Apple ID
When looking after a Windows machine you get the distinct impression that it is triage. Constantly trying to keep it alive and working despite its natural instinct which appears to be to die on the spot. A Mac on the other hand is like giving a normal check up at the doctor. If your Mac …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.macservicesact.com.au/remove-old-devices-from-your-apple-id/
Nov 08 2018
Time is up!
On the 24th of September Apple released 10.14 to the masses and in doing so doomed your Mac running El Capitan to the pages of history. If you see m@cservices regularly for a health check, or we’ve seen you for any other reason in the last little while, our mantra would likely have been “there …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.macservicesact.com.au/time-is-up/