With all the good intentions of an aunt forcing Tupperware down your throat, Apple made FileVault an automatic standard when upgrading your Mac to Sierra back in 2016. So there is a good chance its running on your Mac right now. Now in theory this is a great thing… after all, anyone with even …
Tag: speed
Permanent link to this article: https://www.macservicesact.com.au/make-your-mac-faster/
Dec 07 2013
The balance between speed and security
It is sad to think that there would be no need for Anti Virus, Anti Spam or Anti Malware services if the world wasn’t overflowing with the kind of filth that writes malicious applications. A world free of these creeps is, I fear, a Disney fantasy. In response to this threat most of us install …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.macservicesact.com.au/the-balance-between-speed-and-security/
Mar 30 2012
Who needs 4G anyway?
The media and the ACCC have recently gone after Apple claiming they potentially misled the Australian public by labelling their recent iPad as 4G when–at least in this country–that is not the case. As it turns out we are better off without 4G. Regardless of Apple’s fuzzy marketing there really wasn’t any question of them …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.macservicesact.com.au/who-needs-4g-anyway/
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