The Reminders app on an iPhone or iPad is something a lot of people ignore. And if they don’t ignore it, they generally use another product that, astonishingly, they are happy to pay money for. Never understood it myself… but there you go?! However Reminders, along with Siri, make a truly life changing combination that …
Tag: siri
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Jun 04 2019
Simple Siri tasks
Siri (and other voice assistants) have been around for a long time. So long in fact that most people have forgotten a time when a smartphone didn’t have a digital assistant. And this is ironic because most people don’t use Siri and this is a shame. It is a bit like having a car with …
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May 21 2018
Siri lags behind Google and that is a good thing
It has been all over the TV news, splashed across every tech website on the internet and chatted about endlessly on breakfast radio. I am, of course, talking about Google Assistant and how it is now so smart it can fool a human into thinking they are talking to a real person as opposed to …
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Feb 11 2017
Siri on the desktop
The arrival of Sierra back in Oct 2016 had me more excited than usual. Whereas in the past I had recommended caution and a “wait and see” attitude to upgrading, this time saw me diving in head first. There were a lot of reasons for this uncharacteristic gay abandon. Security had been improved – sure, …
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Nov 01 2015
Apple TV 4th Gen – The Saviour of TV
For the last ten years or so I have been more willing to spoon feed my eyeballs to the cat than watch a single second of commercial TV. So it will come as no surprise, I am sure, that I have been a big fan of the Apple TV ever since its release in 2007. …
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