The fake link scam, the digital equivalent of stepping on a rake—painful, embarrassing, and entirely avoidable if you’re paying attention. But hey, who among us hasn’t been tempted by a too-good-to-be-true offer or a mysterious message from a “long-lost friend”? In fact, full disclosure… I fell for the “long lost friend” email just recently. I …
Tag: scams
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Oct 05 2023
Dangerous scam active right now
We have all seen them. Emails from friends or family that, even with the briefest of glances, appears “off” But we get lazy and answer them. Or in the case of a spam email that offers an Unsubscribe button, get angry and unsubscribe and add an insulting note as to why we don’t want to …
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Aug 21 2016
How and why to avoid Clickbait
Click here to win a million dollars Hollywood legend dies suddenly Click here to claim your free iPhone Loose 10KG by following this simple trick These are crude examples of Clickbait and, as the name suggests, they are designed to make you click on them and what happens after that is anyones guess. Some are …
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Dec 13 2015
A new way to deal with scams
I know it’s hard to believe, but there are scum buckets out there whose single purpose in life is to rip you off. They get up in the morning and eat breakfast dreaming up new ways to make your life a misery. A while back I detailed some rules to follow that were designed to deal …
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