Tag: macos

Don’t fiddle with your MacOS

There’s a lot of talk these days online about installing the latest MacOSes on older Macs.  I bet you’d even had the odd ‘techie’ friend at the pub or dinner party that reckons they did it and it works a treat.  It sounds great, making your old 2012 iMac run the latest OS thus saving …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.macservicesact.com.au/dont-fiddle-with-your-macos/

Look quick, it’s QuickLook

Ah, macOS, the operating system that feels like home for those of us that want to enjoy a computer rather than defending it against deranged Microsoft user interface designers and virus makers. Nestled within its sleek interface lies a hidden gem, a tool that’s both elegant and efficient: Quick Look. If you’re not already acquainted …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.macservicesact.com.au/look-quick-its-quicklook/

Make your Mac faster

  With all the good intentions of an aunt forcing Tupperware down your throat, Apple made FileVault an automatic standard when upgrading your Mac to Sierra back in 2016.  So there is a good chance its running on your Mac right now. Now in theory this is a great thing… after all, anyone with even …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.macservicesact.com.au/make-your-mac-faster/

A serious and very real threat to your WIFI network

  It has been reported that a vulnerability in every wifi network has been discovered and can be easily exploited and used to devastating affect. This is regardless of how secure your password is, in fact the hacker doesn’t even need to know what your password is, to snoop and steal information and take control. …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.macservicesact.com.au/a-serious-and-very-real-threat-to-your-wifi-network/

RansomWare attacks remind us to keep our macs up-to-date

The recent Ransomware attack on May, 2017 was big news. Really big. This was mainly because the Wannacry virus hit Government servers and shut down hospitals and other services all around the world, thus threatening global finance and lives. It was, in fact, the largest Ransomware attack in history. As this was a Windows only attack I …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.macservicesact.com.au/ransomware-attacks-remind-us-to-keep-our-macs-up-to-date/