It has been a long held belief of mine that the fastest way to find anything that you lose is to buy it again. Time and time again headphones, watches, wallets and so on have gone missing. Weeks have been spent turning the house upside down but to no avail and the very day a …
Tag: imac
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Apr 08 2022
27 inch iMac is dead
Last year Apple released their new 24 inch iMac with the fantastically fast and energy efficient M1 chip… the worst chip they were ever destined to release. Along with this announcement they promised a new 27 inch (or rumoured 30 inch) iMac with the same M1 chip. This was something that, as James May might …
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Jun 10 2021
The Planned Obsolesce Myth
“Don’t you hate Apple’s planned obsolescence?!” This is something I hear a lot, often after I have just delivered the bad news about someone’s Mac… something like they need an upgrade or this hardware is too old to install the latest and greatest OS. It is an understandable feeling when faced with the cost of …
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Jun 03 2021
The New iMac… buy it – but with caution
Like anything I guess… if you work in an industry long enough you see a trend, seemingly long forgotten and considered a bit daggy, come around again. In 1996 the Mac was reborn as the “iMac” and it came in different colours and had transparent cases. The keyboard was colour coded, the mouse was colour …
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Feb 24 2019
A good place to get a second hand Mac
Sometimes the worst happens and despite the best efforts of technicians the patient dies on the bench. Whether it be a faulty video card, main board or a busted screen, if the Mac is older than 5 years there is a good chance the spare part is just not available anymore. And in the case …
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