Tag: Firefox

Customise Safari and ignore that pop up

I am on record as saying that in my opinion Safari is the best web browser. It is the safest and the most secure and, in 99% of cases, will work with any website. In the cases where it fails I use Firefox, do what I need to do on that website and then go …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.macservicesact.com.au/customise-safari-and-ignore-that-pop-up/

Friends don’t let friends use El Capitan

In 2015 Apple described El Capitan as… “OS X El Capitan improves system performance across your Mac, making many of the things you do everyday faster and more responsive.” How things change! El Capitan, 10.11, hasn’t been supported for over a year now but that hasn’t stopped people from continuing to use it everyday sometimes …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.macservicesact.com.au/friends-dont-let-friends-use-el-capitan/

Stop browsers from tracking you

Cookies don’t just have the potential for weight gain they can also be used to track your every move. Of course I am talking about Browser cookies and not those delicious soft centered biscuits with chocolate chip coasting and…. pardon me a second, I need something to eat. That’s better…. Now, where was I? Oh …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.macservicesact.com.au/stop-browsers-from-tracking-you/

Adding and Removing applications on a Mac

When it comes to adding and removing applications on a Mac you might feel like something is missing. If you are a switcher from the darkside – err – Windows, you might be left wondering why Windows guides you through the removal process and the Mac doesn’t. Is it a design flaw? Are Apple techs …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.macservicesact.com.au/adding-and-removing-applications-on-a-mac/