Now that the NBN is here – in most Canberra suburbs – it is now time to talk about off site backup again. Offsite backup is basically like Time Machine (operates in the background so you never need to worry about it) but instead of going to an external hard disk it is sent to …
Tag: dropbox
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Jun 02 2013
Cloud storage for a Mac user
Editors Note: Originally this post was going to be a study of cloud services and how they work with the various desktop and iOS applications. However, as it is too often the case, I got side tracked into the new costs facing Microsoft Office users. This issue is a little more serious, and as it …
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May 29 2013
Apple don’t make it obvious but it can be done
. Apple sure don’t help themselves with their choice of menus. Their classic habit of referring to “folders” in the Mail application as “mailboxes” has always been a head scratcher for me. Last year it became apparent that those who use iPad or iPhone can save documents to cloud based services like Dropbox. All of …
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Aug 02 2012
Change your DropBox password
It was confirmed recently that DropBox had been hacked and password stolen. As breaches go this was a very small one with only a few hundred out of millions of passwords being hacked. However, to be on the safe side, Dropbox have advised people to change their current password with, as always, a stronger password. …
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