Removing Specific items from your Time Machine Backup

Time Machine backs up everything and as your disks starts to fill up it dutifully goes back to the beginning of time and starts deleting older files and backups to make more room. But imagine something like this and maybe it will relate to you….

Lets say you have a folder on your desktop that contains a large number of photos. This folder stays on your desktop for a month or so while you look at the photos and decide which ones to keep, deleting as you go. While there on your desktop, Time Machine has potentially backed that folder up every hour of every day for a month, some 720 backups.

You can easily remove EVERY version of that folder from your backups and save a ton of disk space in the bargain.

1. Locate the folder you want to delete.

2. Click on the Time Machine icon in your menubar and choose Enter Time Machine.

3. The screen will morph into a field of stars and the cascading windows going into space.

4. Right mouse click on the folder and choose Delete All Backups of


Done. Honest. It’s that easy. Time Machine will now hunt down and kill every copy of that folder in that location and save you buckets of disk space.

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