
Protect your iCloud account with two-step verification


UPDATE: It has been confirmed that the Russian hackers responsible for this attack have been arrested. It has also been confirmed that iCloud had not been hacked but rather the people affected were victims of Phishing or other such scams and had given their details away.

There has been a fair amount of chatter in the press lately about iCloud accounts getting hacked.

The first thing to realise about this attack is that it appears not to be widespread. Apple have millions of credit card accounts on file via their iTunes empire and these reports are limited to a few dozen users. It could very well be that their accounts had lousy passwords in the first place and we’re just ripe to be hacked.

The affected accounts were reportedly locking iPhones and iPads and then demanding ransom to unlock them. If you have a strong password the likelihood of being attacked appears to be very small.

Nevertheless this is as good a time as any to remind you of the article posted some time ago about setting up two step verification on your iTunes/ iCloud account. Putting this into place means that if an attempt is made to change your password then a verification SMS is sent to your nominated device to ensure that this is what you want to do.

Have a look at the article here and I urge you to do this as soon as possible.


Permanent link to this article: https://www.macservicesact.com.au/protect-your-icloud-account-with-two-step-verfication/

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