Password Management – again

It is a fact of life – today we need passwords and we need a lot of them.

iPhone, iPad, email, Facebook, banking, twitter, even logging onto your computer needs a password. Well at least it should require one.

But with all these passwords comes a mighty confusion and a wailing and a gnashing of teeth as people constantly forget them and need to frequently reset.

It is very important to have passwords and it is very important to have different passwords for different services. Don’t, for example, use the same password for your banking account to logon to Twitter or FaceBook. It is very tempting to use the same password over and over again but this means if one service is hacked then all services are hacked.

I would not recommend these common solutions for remembering passwords:


  • A text file on your Mac
  • Emailing to yourself
  • A text on your iPhone or iPad
  • An Address book entry called “Passwords” or any address book entry for that matter.
  • A little book kept with the Mac.


None of these things are secure and all your data (and the data of other people – names, addresses, phone numbers, birthdays, ect) are at risk.


I strongly advise downloading the looking at 1Password as this will keep all your passwords in one place, it will also help you generate good solid passwords that have little chance of being hacked.

It is also a good idea – if you have one – to install 1Password on your iPad or iPhone and sync your passwords across all devices. That way they will always be secure and always available.

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