If you have an Airport (Express or Time Capsule) chances are you’ve seen a little orange light flashing at you from time to time. Chances are you have rebooted the Airport and it has gone away for a few minutes, only to return. This little orange light is designed to tell you that the Airport …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.macservicesact.com.au/that-little-orange-light/
Feb 20 2018
Upgrade your Office product
UPDATE: 30 MARCH 2018: A new version of the free Open Office is now on the market. Rebranded and redesigned (a little) LibreOffice is worth a look at. ————————————————————————————————————————————— A few weeks ago I urged everyone to upgrade their OS to keep them secure and the response was terrific. However, there is another hole …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.macservicesact.com.au/upgrade-your-office-product/
Feb 20 2018
Bad reporting
I have never read should rubbish in all my life Be warned, as you read this you might think this is in no way related to your Mac and your particular setup, but I implore you to push on because it is not actually about Apple or Macs per se. One of the driving forces …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.macservicesact.com.au/bad-reporting/
Jan 15 2018
POS for the rest of us
Ok, picture this. You have a small business, or you sell cakes at the bus depot markets or do anything that requires the taking of money. In the past you have been limited to cash or spending bigly (thank you Mr Trump) on renting a credit card machine from the bank. If you are running …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.macservicesact.com.au/pos-for-the-rest-of-us/
Jan 11 2018
Meltdown and Spectre
Another year and another round of exploits and serious ones at that. This time it’s the fault of Intel and over curious security experts that have discovered a serious flaw in the very chip that powers almost every device on the planet. IBM, Dell, Acer, and sadly Apple are embroiled in this very serious security …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.macservicesact.com.au/meltdown-and-spectre/
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