
New iOS 10 feature is not as daft as you think


Two things I hear a lot lately.

“I just upgraded to iOS 10.” 

“I hate the fact you cannot slide to unlock, stupidest idea ever!”

I said in a previous article that the removal of the swipe feature, more than any other, was going to take some time to get used too.

In actual fact it is not as daft as it first appears… let me explain.

Basically there are two types of iPhones out there, those with Touch ID and those without.

For those with Touch ID nothing has really changed… you tap on the button to wake up the screen and, with Touch ID being as sensitive as it is, you are logged in as well. A one step process.

For those without Touch ID, before iOS10, you tapped the home button to wake up the phone and then you swiped to the right to unlock. Then you typed in your code. A three step process.

So at the very least, this new method of tapping on the home button twice has added nothing to the process of unlocking your phone, its just the muscle memory of swiping as soon as you tap that causes confusion.

However, when you consider that there is now a Raise to Wake feature that eliminates the need to tap to wake, a step has been removed.

Having said all of that there are some things you can do to make life a little easier… at least until you wean yourself off the slide to the right habit.

Removing Control Centre

While you thumb has a mind of its own, you are going to find yourself visiting the Control centre every time you swipe to the right. To stop this you can turn off Control access doing the following:

  1. Tap on Settings
  2. Tap on Control Centre
  3. Turn off Access on Lock Screen


Make Touch ID work just the way it used too

If you don’t want to tap the home button twice, you can change the settings of the home button to react to a simple resting of the finger and the phone will unlock.

  1. Tap on Settings
  2. Tap on General
  3. Tap on Accessibility
  4. Scroll to the Home button section
  5. Turn on option Rest Finger to Open


Permanent link to this article: https://www.macservicesact.com.au/new-ios-10-feature-is-not-as-daft-as-you-think/

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