Mac1 – In memoriam

Mac 1 Canberra

1998- 2022

After a long battle with the Apple Store, staff shortages and Covid, Mac1 Canberra died quietly sometime in the last few months.

This is a sad loss for us all and Mac1 will be sorely missed. The hole in our collective hearts may never be filled.

Not only was Mac1 there for the Canberra community during the infamous Apple exodus of the ACT in the early 2000’s but they continued to soldier on long after the competition from the Apple Store Canberra saw them close their City stores. In a short while the pressure of that competition saw them close their Fyshwick store as well and for a while they were limited to the store in Hutton street near the ANU.

From this location they were there for the iPad boom, the Mac Pro “Trashcan” and the MacBook Pro LED bar releases to name a few. For a lot of us, this was where we got our first iPad. I know I did and it saved my marriage.

Sometime later they were bought by the Dick Smith chain but no sooner had the ink dried on this agreement than DSE went into receivership. This ultimately saw them move from the Hutton street store to a shop front at UC that was harder to find than Jimmy Hoffa. But they persisted until Covid saw them close those doors to wait out the infection. Sadly however, the loss of revenue and staff shortages saw them succumb to their injuries and they died in our sleep.

They were always ready to help and help outside the box, something that is sorely needed in this business but often lacking in the stitched up, corporate façade we now endure.

Their voice of reason and their willingness to assist the little guy (aka macservices and other independents such as the macguy and David Page) will always be remembered fondly.

All the Canberra community can do now is hold onto the service providers we have left (cough) and do the best we can.

Goodbye Mac1.

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1 comment

    • Peter Newman on December 18, 2022 at 4:36 PM
    • Reply

    I dealt with Mac1 at UC and it was the worst experience that I have had. Quite frankly I am glad they are gone. you can read my scathing yet totally honest review on their Google business profile.

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