If you are around kids and you have an iPhone…

Kids love iPhones, iPads and iPods and they can be a great way to keep the kids occupied. Unfortunately while they are amusing themselves with your iPhone there is every possibility that they might delete Apps or maybe even purchase a few. You know kids – they are amazingly clever when it comes to stuff like this.

But there is a simple way to protect your phone from the kids or your own butterfingers.

1. Tap on Settings

2. Thumb down to General

3. Tap on Restrictions. If you haven’t set up restrictions before it will ask you for a four digit pass code. It doesn’t have to be the same as the pass code you use to unlock your phone – just make sure it’s something you won’t forget.

4. Thumb down until you get to Installing Apps and turn it OFF.

5. Thumb down to Deleting Apps and turn that OFF.


It goes without saying, you will need to turn these back on if and when you want to buy a new App or remove one that has outlived its usefulness.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.macservicesact.com.au/if-you-are-around-kids-and-you-have-an-iphone/

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