
Get $100 for your old Mac

picture of a bondi blue imac

It is also a cold hard fact that your Mac is often not worth very much by the time you are ready to trade up. Since going to Intel the life span of a Mac has dropped a fair bit with all the speed improvements, features (and demands) of the operating system.
And of course there is the cloud and Apple often sacrifice older product to make sure your cloud experience isn’t held back by older hardware.
I recently wrote about technology aging like dogs but these day it seems that dog has distemper.
Anyway I have drifted off the track again.

If you are thinking of buying a new mac – and why wouldn’t you be? – it is worth considering that Mac1 are offering at least $100 for your old Mac.
Now this might not seem like a lot but remember this is the minimum they offer and anything is better than nothing.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.macservicesact.com.au/get-100-for-your-old-mac/

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