Friends don’t let friends use El Capitan

In 2015 Apple described El Capitan as… “OS X El Capitan improves system performance across your Mac, making many of the things you do everyday faster and more responsive.”

How things change!

El Capitan, 10.11, hasn’t been supported for over a year now but that hasn’t stopped people from continuing to use it everyday sometimes because they don’t like to update and sometimes because its the best OS their mac will run.

And if computers didn’t connect to the internet that would be fine, but sadly they do and inconveniently the internet keeps evolving and like a psychopathic toddler it never stops demanding.

One of these demands is up to date software and the web browsers it supports.

Safari is joined at the hip with the MacOS and so it ages with the operating system.

Chrome (yuck) and Firefox are a little more independent and free spirited but even they have to draw the line somewhere.

The end result is, one day, the internet will look at your web browser and your MacOS and say “no”

There is a good chance that you have already seen this in the form of websites suddenly saying that it cannot get a secure connection when, last week, it was fine.

The only way around this is to use Chrome (yuck) or Firefox but, as I said earlier, this too will come to an end.

The best way, the only lasting way, is to upgrade your Mac or, if it is older than 2012, to replace it for a new one.

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1 comment

    • Cathy Groves on June 2, 2022 at 12:47 PM
    • Reply

    Hi Renny,

    I have been wondering whether to upgrade to macOS Monterey as I keep getting the message on my computer. I tried to find something about it in your articles but couldn’t. So, can you please advise if i should do this. Not sure if you remember me, but you actually installed our Mac in about July 2019. I currently have macOS Mojave v 10.14.6.


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