DVD drive not working?


Do you remember the days when mum and dad would lovingly remove the vinyl record from the turn table and gingerly clean it with a lint free cloth? No, me neither, but apparently it used to happen.
But what I DO remember is when CDs were the rage and everyone who had one of these bewitching devices always kept a cleaning kit close by.
It was just the done thing. Not having one was a bit like finding a bicycle rider without a puncture repair kit housed in a little bag under the seat. Unthinkable!!
But today, just like the puncher kit, cd cleaning kits have gone out of fashion. No one seems to use them anymore, everyone assumes their drive just won’t get dirty and that they will keep on working.
Well according to this article in Macworld, cleaning your drive might just be the answer to your cd woes. Considering the price of a new drive it might just be worth a try.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.macservicesact.com.au/dvd-drive-not-working/

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