Downloading videos from youtube

There was a time when youtube was a small, little known, video website that mainly concerned itself with pirated TV shows and embarrassing holiday videos. Then google bought it for an obscene amount of money and the rest is history.

The word “youtube” is, like “google”, an adjective rather than a brand name.

So it is no surprise that many people want to get these videos off Youtube and onto their own computer hard disk or into their latest presentation.

Copyright considerations aside (I find them boring and confusing) here is the best way to get Youtube videos off the web and onto your Mac.

Step 1:

Do a google search and download the Free Video Downloader.

Once downloaded its a simple case of launching the disk image and dragging the iSkysoft application to your Applications folder.

installing iskysoft video downloader

Step 2:

Visit youtube and find the video clip you want and as your mouse pointer hovers over the video you’ll notice a little Download button in the top left hand corner.

download button in youtube

Click on this button and you’ll be offered the option of FPS. The higher FPS you chose the better the quality of the video.

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And thats it! While iSkysoft have other ways of fishing out video files from Youtube this is, by far, the easiest.

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The free version of iSkysoft will allow you to download youtube videos but if you purchase the full version you will be able to download any video file from any website.

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