Category: Opinion

New Macbook Air heralds a new dawn

I know that sounds a bit dramatic, a little staring off into the distance looking all heroic and what not but I just couldn’t think of another way to title this article. You see, quite simply, this laptop is the first one – in such a long time – that is more easily repaired. And …

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Working from home

Let’s not panic. Be informed not alarmed I think is the well worn phrase. A lot of people have been asking me about working from home and hurriedly wanting to set up Skype, Zoom or FaceTime in order to work or stay in contact with family and friends. They are also letting gormless looking technicians …

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A great free alternative to Photoshop

It is no secret that Adobe products are expensive. It is also no secret that they pretty much are the only tool in town that does the job well. Very well in fact. Professionals begrudgingly pay these prices but they get rewards in the kind of output they can achieve and charge accordingly. Fair enough. …

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Is your Mac slow?

Update 16th March 2020: While this article talks at some length about 2012-2014 iMacs it must be said that asn SSD upgrade or any Mac that you find useful will benefit from this upgrade. It has been simply ages since I have been able to write anything useful. Perhaps you’ve wondered what I was doing, …

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Catalina – Wait a while!

Apple have, as they do this time every year, released their latest operating system; Catalina. And in theory it is fantastic. For starters you can now use your iPad as a second screen, a boon to those of us that like to have a spreadsheet on one screen and our email on the other… or …

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