It has been a long time since I was both this excited, and scared of an update in equal measure. For starters, Mojave promises some very cool – and useful – features but it also heralds the age of 64bit MacOS and this means only one thing… a lot of older software is now history. …
Category: Opinion
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Nov 08 2018
Time is up!
On the 24th of September Apple released 10.14 to the masses and in doing so doomed your Mac running El Capitan to the pages of history. If you see m@cservices regularly for a health check, or we’ve seen you for any other reason in the last little while, our mantra would likely have been “there …
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Jun 26 2018
Make your Mac faster
With all the good intentions of an aunt forcing Tupperware down your throat, Apple made FileVault an automatic standard when upgrading your Mac to Sierra back in 2016. So there is a good chance its running on your Mac right now. Now in theory this is a great thing… after all, anyone with even …
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Jun 09 2018
Bendgate – revisited
Back in 2014 when the iPhone 6 was the latest, it wasn’t long before Apple was embroiled in the scandal that became know as Bendgate. It was revealed that if the iPhone 6 was sat on or stressed in a particular way it was likely to bend. Many commentators, including this one, said they had …
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Jun 04 2018
NBN and Airport router
With NBN creeping its way into more and more homes and yet more moving to VDSL, it is inevitable that your Airport/modem setup is going to get broken along the way. While I won’t go into the specific behaviour of your average internet tech, it does seem like they are given a crash course in …
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