Category: MacOS

Yes Sur

Big Sur has finally been released and, as is always the case, it is worth making sure that all your applications will work or at the very least can be easily upgraded or updated before you even think about installing. While you are thinking about whether or not to update, (and I note with delight …

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Getting ready for Big Sur

No, you aren’t imagining things and you aren’t suffering from Deja vu either. This is the second time I have spoken about Big Sur recently… an OS that isn’t even here yet. But it is close and, unless something goes terribly wrong between now and when it is finally released, I am going to install …

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Too many Photos?

About ten minutes after you start using your first digital camera or iPhone to take and store photos you’ll realise three things; 1) you already have too many photos and; 2) you have thousands of duplicates. And not long after this… you’ll begin to realise 3) you cannot find anything. Let’s address all three… but …

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Yes, you have google

This article comes on the heels of a conversation I had with my mother-in-law a few days back. A mac user for many years she confidently claimed that she couldn’t go to a particular website because it required google and she didn’t have google. If she could have seen my face (fortunately this was one …

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Protecting your kids from Porn – the free way

Most kids are sneaky. Everyone knows this.  Apple and others spends millions of dollars and thousands of hours developing systems that limit screen time, block applications and hide rude words from the online dictionary. But the kids get around these things with what seems like ease.  But some kids fall upon bad web sites by …

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