Category: MacOS

The Dock and how to use it

If I had a dollar for every time someone confused the Dock and the menu bar on a Mac I’d be writing this article in an Aston Martin rather a VW van that smells like wet dog. Before I go on about the Dock and menubar Preferences (the subject of this rant) let me clarify …

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Tidying up your Apple ID

I know what you are thinking! You’re sitting there convinced you don’t have an iCloud account. Statistically you almost certainly do and if you don’t, you really should. But that is not the subject of my most recent rant but rather its close relative, its ancestor in fact – the Apple ID. Nearly everyone who …

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Cannot open some apps

Over the last few years Apple have been tightening the screws on security to make our Macs safer… effectively wrapping us up in a tight blanket of permissions, confirmations and many (oh so many) preferences. However, sometimes this blanket can be so tight we cannot move. One such confusing dialog box, which as been around …

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Friends don’t let friends use El Capitan

In 2015 Apple described El Capitan as… “OS X El Capitan improves system performance across your Mac, making many of the things you do everyday faster and more responsive.” How things change! El Capitan, 10.11, hasn’t been supported for over a year now but that hasn’t stopped people from continuing to use it everyday sometimes …

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High Sierra is getting the chop

It wasn’t that long ago that a computer was considered ‘past it’ by its 5th birthday. I myself often used to say that computers age like dogs but in light of recent trends I think perhaps I ought to amend this to computers age like small dogs. It’s not uncommon for us to upgrade a …

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