Category: MacOS


MacOS Lion was introduced mere months following Steve Jobs’ death in 2011. While it was the first OS that came without this world famous keynote address the development of it most assuredly had this fingerprints all over it.  One of the main features introduced that day was AirDrop. A great concept indeed, even if it …

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Pages is better than you think

It is no secret that I have been a fan of Pages and I am always trying to convince people that Microsoft Word (in most cases) is something you just don’t need. Despite my efforts there are still those that think that Word is the only processor out there, that it is needed to communicate …

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Numbers is better than you think

Waaaay back in 2018 I wrote: “Very few people, outside of business, use Excel with anything like the same frequency of  Word. There are a lot more notes to the kids and letters to Aunt Joyce then there are budget forecasts or retirement schemes.  Besides, even businesses could use Numbers but they don’t.” This is …

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For your friends sake please watch and share

This is less like an article and more like a public announcement. It is really a call to action. This is not my work. Not at all. In fact, the lengths these people have gone to in order to expose the scum that call, email and text us day in day out is nothing short …

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Searching in Apple Mail

In the area of email administration there are really only three options. There is Outlook, the over priced schizophrenic mess that offers way too much functionality (none of which works well actually) than the average person needs. Then there is accessing your email via a web browser. This isn’t bad but the interface is often …

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