Category: MacOS

Duplicates fixed – finally

There has been a long history of developers inventing and delivering enhancements and services for the Mac that Apple left out. Then, not long after these developers have sunk their money into expensive houses and car loans, Apple comes along with the same feature “incorporated” into the latest OS. Affectively killing the developers golden goose. …

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iOS 16… finally

Over the last few years iOS updates have been a lot like Fast and Furious movies… more or less the same look, same plot with ever diminishing levels of interest. But iOS16 is a real update – its like the Fast and Furious writers decided to concentrate on character and study a book or five …

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I bet I already know your Ventura frustration

I haven’t yet installed Ventura but I have had an occasion or two where I have needed to work on it and I bet I already know what’s driving you nuts. Aside from the introduction of Stage Manager there is little, overt, differences between Ventura and Monterey accept of course for System Preferences. For a …

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Considering your security

It seems like everyday we get notified about another data breach. First it was Optus, then ahm, then Medibank and the latest I heard was Microsoft data had been leaked. Obviously the first question is “how much of my info was exposed?” and then next would be “what do I need to do?” The answer …

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Mojave is dead

It is that time again. Another MacOS has been forced to lay its head on the chopping block. This time around it is Mojave (mo-HAH-vee) or 10.14 to its friends. For those that never met this OS, it is often (and curiously) referred to as Mo-Jave Released in 2018 this operating system offered features such …

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