I once walked into a friends house, a house I have visited often, and remarked on the painting on her wall. “That looks lovely”, I said. “Really goes well with the colour of the wall.” She looked at me, quite reasonably I think, with doubt and concern. That painting has been there for 5 years! …
Category: MacOS
Permanent link to this article: https://www.macservicesact.com.au/mail-folders/
Sep 10 2023
Outlook.com yes – Outlook, No
To stave off confusion I need to make something clear from the outset. I have been going around town promoting the use of outlook.com and outlook.com.au as an alternative email service to combat iinet, Telstra and just about every other email service being canned. Outlook, as a email address is absolutely fine. But, as you …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.macservicesact.com.au/outlook-com-yes-outlook-no/
Jun 14 2023
Catalina is dead
Sadly, it is that time again. Another MacOS has been forced to lay its head on the chopping block. This time around it is Catalina, the one they named after the island. Released in 2019 this operating system offered features such as only allowing 64 bit applications so all those old copies of Klondike no …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.macservicesact.com.au/catalina-is-dead/
Apr 18 2023
Changing your Apple ID username
In recent days we have been helping grapevine and home mail customers change their email addresses to iCloud or Gmail. If we haven’t helped you yet, I hope you are on the list as time is running out and slots are filling fast. During the many users we have done, one thing has cropped up …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.macservicesact.com.au/changing-your-apple-id-username/
Mar 22 2023
Edit a photo in Photos
I have long been a critic of the editing tools found in Photos and iPhoto before it. They were limited in their scope and worked about as well as a handbrake made of pastry. So I forgot about them and, like a fool, purchased things like Photoshop Elements or suffered the excruciating interface of the …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.macservicesact.com.au/edit-a-photo-in-photos/
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