Category: MacOS

If you have installed Lion you really need to do this

If you have installed Lion you really need to create a recovery disk on another hard disk or USB key. Although this takes me back to the dodgy days of Windows 98 creating an emergency floppy disk, its a worthwhile thing to and – fortunately – very easy. First step will be to go to …

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Making Lion more like Snow Leopard

Have you ever met someone at a party and within the first few minutes have wanted to shove their head into a bucket of cement? My wife has. But after a while and a few more drinks you start to like this person, learn to love and perhaps even marry them? My wife has! Well …

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Read in peace

Apple have covered this in press releases and Keynote demos but on a day to day basis this little feature is easy to miss. Of course I am referring to the Reader option. Have you ever wanted to read an article on a  web page and been distracted by all the ads running down the …

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