Category: MacOS

Seldom used features

There is nothing more satisfying, but at the same time galling, to find out that something you have been using for years has an awesome feature that you never knew about. Like a hotplate that has a warming function…right there in front of you. If only you’d pressed that little PAUSE button five years earlier. …

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Sonoma annoyances

A lot of people are installing Sonoma annoyances and not always on purpose. If they are lucky they aren’t even aware it has happened because they never come across the, sometimes, odd changes that come with it. However, for others they know things have changed and in typical Apple fashion there is no clear direction …

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Email bouncing?

No. You are not going mad. Yes. Your emails are getting more bounce backs, ending up on blacklists and your friends haven’t received an email from you in weeks. This is happening to all of us in different ways and in different degrees and it is due to the fight against everyones favourite band of …

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Dangerous scam active right now

We have all seen them. Emails from friends or family that, even with the briefest of glances, appears “off” But we get lazy and answer them. Or in the case of a spam email that offers an Unsubscribe button, get angry and unsubscribe and add an insulting note as to why we don’t want to …

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Spotting a fake email

I sometimes fantasise about finding scammers locked  in a room somewhere , maybe even catching them in the act and, as Marsellus Wallace said in Pulp Fiction,  “I’ma get medieval on your ass” But alas, all I can do is try and help people avoid their scumbaggery.  These examples of wasted DNA, these rat brained …

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