Category: Mac

Mountain Lion Security

When you installed Mountain Lion later this month you might find that you cannot install software. Don’t worry this isn’t a bug but rather a feature. Mountain Lion is designed to stop any installer in its tracks that either a) didn’t come directly from the Mac Appstore or b) has registered itself with Apple. However …

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Get $100 for your old Mac

It is also a cold hard fact that your Mac is often not worth very much by the time you are ready to trade up. Since going to Intel the life span of a Mac has dropped a fair bit with all the speed improvements, features (and demands) of the operating system. And of course …

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Mountain Lion Preview 4

You might be forgiven for thinking that you’ve been here before but trust me, you haven’t. Its true that regular readers of this site will vaguely recall another article on Mountain Lion not that long ago but a lot has changed since then. Enough anyway for me to want to share the news again. In …

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Remove duplicates from iPhoto

When IPhoto was released it was called the “digital shoebox” in which to put all your photos. It has moved on since then to allow you to sort and share in all manner of ways it is essentially remains the dumping ground of all your photos – just like that shoebox you used to use …

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Stop Lion from opening windows

Do you remember the good old days when a computer would cheerfully close all windows when you shut down your computer? These days it is a ‘feature’ that Lion reopens all your windows and relaunches all your applications upon reboot. This is often the very thing you don’t want at reboot time, so its not …

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