Category: Mac

Don’t believe everything you read. (except this website of course)

A few weeks back there were all kinds of rumours circulating that the new iMac will not be shipping till next year. A Dell or Microsoft plot me thinks! Anyway, if you look at the Apple website (not that this is known for its accuracy when it comes to shipping dates) and this article at …

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Why does Telstra sell you an Android phone

If you go into a Telstra, or Optus outlet for that matter, and ask for a new Smartphone chances are they will push an Android into your hand. “An iPhone!??!!” they will exclaim in horror, “Why would you want an iPhone?” (That is a direct quote from one of my clients when she asked for …

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The new Fusion drive might be why you buy a new Mac

Apple recently released a whole slew of new Macs in the form of a new- impossibly thin – iMac and the new Mac Mini. While the new iMac is eye popping in its design it wouldn’t be enough for me to recommend buying one unless your current model is wheezing and about to drop. For …

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Apple Recalls iMac disks

My hatred for Seagate hard disks goes back many years. Way back in the mid 90’s, when I worked for the reseller Logical Solutions, we received an order for 25 Macintosh IIsi. But the hard disks from Apple weren’t considered big enough so it was decided to fit them with 25 Seagate drives instead. Within a …

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Searching in Apple Mail

Mail is probably the only application you use everyday and as a result you likely have a ton of messages in your inbox. I know I do so when I needed to find that particular email from my wife telling me – specifically – what she wanted for her birthday I had to find it in …

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