Category: Mac

iWork in the cloud – at last

Up till now if you wanted to sit down and compose a Pages document (or Keynote presentation or Numbers spreadsheet for that matter) you needed to do it at your Mac.  Its true that you could do this on your iPad or iPhone but sometimes you need a bigger screen. Sometimes to need more elbow …

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MacBook Air recall

Apple has just announced that they are recalling last years MacBook Air due to some faulty 64 and 128GB SSD drives. Not all models are affected so its important to visit the Apple support page to determine if in fact your model is one of those affected. If you have a Time Machine backup, make …

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Why its a good idea to Manage your Apple ID

There is a lot of confusion out there about the difference between an Apple ID and an iCloud account. And often there is good reason for this. Your Apple ID and your iCloud account can be the same thing but they can also be sepparte. For example… I have an iCloud account and so does …

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Streaming music

In a lot of ways I am an old fashioned kind of guy. I believe in buying MY music and listening to MY music on MY iPod or iPhone. Streaming music, like listening to the radio, seems like renting rather than buying. So traditional radio and services like Rhapsody and Spotify have completely passed me …

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Hotspot passwords can be hacked.

  Sometime ago I wrote about the mobile hotspots you can set up on your iPhone and how they were the death knell of those dongles offered up by Optus and Telstra. I still standby this but something has come up recently that reminds us to be vigilant when it comes to their security. By …

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