Category: Mac

Smart Folders

A folder is like a draw. They are simple and self explanatory… you put stuff in them and thats where they stay and that’s all there is to it. But the Mac OS lets you create “smart” folders that turn the concept of the humble folder into something very different and a whole lot more useful. You’ll …

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Have fun with Dictation

Since Lion each Mac has had the ability to convert voice to text and, in a small way, replace applications like Dragon Dictate. But, as Apple seems intent on hiding the power of its software it looks for all the world like it is a one trick pony. With Dragon you can highlight text, move around the …

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iPhoto gets the boot

If you were to go back in time to a house 100 years ago you’d more than likely see rooms filled with large wooden tables, chairs with legs thicker than the people sitting in them and china cabinets that were almost big enough, and sturdy enough, to actually live in. But look at a house today …

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This might be why email is not sending.

Because we are bombarded every day with scams and cons via email, its not surprising that a dialog box claiming “your identity cannot be verified” would scare most people. The natural thing to do is click Cancel and thank your lucky stars that you avoided yet another attack on your wallet or identity. Thing is though, …

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Get to know Reminders

It is no secret that Apple have been pushing to blur the lines between using your iPhone and your Mac. Flagship products like Pages, Numbers and Safari have all been designed to look and feel the same no matter which Apple product you might be using. One such example is the Reminders app and if used …

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