The fake link scam, the digital equivalent of stepping on a rake—painful, embarrassing, and entirely avoidable if you’re paying attention. But hey, who among us hasn’t been tempted by a too-good-to-be-true offer or a mysterious message from a “long-lost friend”? In fact, full disclosure… I fell for the “long lost friend” email just recently. I …
Category: Mac
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Jul 22 2024
Updating your email
Many people are receiving an email from Microsoft and BigPond that appear, on the surface, to be fake. Both these emails say very similar things and offer similar instructions on how best to update your security before the deadline of September 2024. They tick all the boxes of a fake and scamming email but they, …
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Jul 22 2024
Burning a CD
CDs. Remember those things? Exploding onto the scene in the 80’s they quickly became the replacement for our vinyl collections and garage sales everywhere were flogging off original 1970’s records for $2 a pop. I mean, who’d ever want records in the face of CDs ever again. History has a cruel sense of irony. Anyway, …
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Jun 22 2024
Don’t suffer gmail in a browser
There is a lot of confusion surrounding the differences between Apple mail, googles own mail application and the gmail service and sadly this moves people to use applications they don’t need making it a jarring experience to say the very least. Essentially google and iCloud are the same service except one takes your privacy very …
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Jun 22 2024
Don’t fiddle with your MacOS
There’s a lot of talk these days online about installing the latest MacOSes on older Macs. I bet you’d even had the odd ‘techie’ friend at the pub or dinner party that reckons they did it and it works a treat. It sounds great, making your old 2012 iMac run the latest OS thus saving …
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