Category: Mac

The Planned Obsolesce Myth

“Don’t you hate Apple’s planned obsolescence?!” This  is something I hear a lot, often after I have just delivered the bad news about someone’s Mac… something like they need an upgrade or this hardware is too old to install the latest and greatest OS. It is an understandable feeling when faced with the cost of …

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The New iMac… buy it – but with caution

Like anything I guess… if you work in an industry long enough you see a trend, seemingly long forgotten and considered a bit daggy, come around again. In 1996 the Mac was reborn as the “iMac” and it came in different colours and had transparent cases. The keyboard was colour coded, the mouse was colour …

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Get rid of Flash

Steve Jobs knew it way back in 2010 and said as much in an open letter to Adobe telling them that their software was crap and would never be included in iOS until they lifted their game (That is the short version). They, of course, did nothing but as usual Steve was way ahead of …

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Yes Sur

Big Sur has finally been released and, as is always the case, it is worth making sure that all your applications will work or at the very least can be easily upgraded or updated before you even think about installing. While you are thinking about whether or not to update, (and I note with delight …

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Getting ready for Big Sur

No, you aren’t imagining things and you aren’t suffering from Deja vu either. This is the second time I have spoken about Big Sur recently… an OS that isn’t even here yet. But it is close and, unless something goes terribly wrong between now and when it is finally released, I am going to install …

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