Category: iPad

My Rules for…

This is something of a hodgepodge of things but I couldn’t find any better way of detailing some of the golden rules (well mine anyway) when it comes to IT and those that support it. So here are my top 5 rules when dealing with… What to Mac to buy Buying a mac is not …

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Deleting is not what is used to mean

I think it is fair to say that a modern truism is that we take too many photos. Long gone are the days where someone would sit, with camera in hand, and consider long and hard if taking a photo of their lunch was worth it. Hang on, what am I saying… back in the …

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Do not Disturb until…

There is no doubt that the etiquette of using a mobile phone in public has failed. People use them in cinemas, theatres and now it seems the trend is to have loud hands free conversations in coffee shops for all to hear and suffer. Or worse still, watch a video with the volume up high …

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iPhone battery gone in 60 seconds?

OK, maybe not 60 seconds… but it seems like your iPhone or iPad is flat out dead in no time at all? Depending on the age of the device you might need a new battery – which costs money – or it might be as simple as checking a setting – which is free. First, …

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More little tips and tricks for Mojave

When 10.14 Mojave (pronounced Mo-Have-Eh) was released I was full of praise and – unusually for me – ready to upgrade from Day 1, no waiting. Well I am happy to report that I have not changed my mind about 10.14 (despite it meaning the death nell of my beloved scanner) and here I have …

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