Category: iPad

Searching in Apple Mail

In the area of email administration there are really only three options. There is Outlook, the over priced schizophrenic mess that offers way too much functionality (none of which works well actually) than the average person needs. Then there is accessing your email via a web browser. This isn’t bad but the interface is often …

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Tidying up your Apple ID

I know what you are thinking! You’re sitting there convinced you don’t have an iCloud account. Statistically you almost certainly do and if you don’t, you really should. But that is not the subject of my most recent rant but rather its close relative, its ancestor in fact – the Apple ID. Nearly everyone who …

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Reminders App could be life changing

The Reminders app on an iPhone or iPad is something a lot of people ignore. And if they don’t ignore it, they generally use another product that, astonishingly, they are happy to pay money for. Never understood it myself… but there you go?! However Reminders, along with Siri, make a truly life changing combination that …

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The Planned Obsolesce Myth

“Don’t you hate Apple’s planned obsolescence?!” This  is something I hear a lot, often after I have just delivered the bad news about someone’s Mac… something like they need an upgrade or this hardware is too old to install the latest and greatest OS. It is an understandable feeling when faced with the cost of …

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iOS 14 is here

Apple just (on the 17th of Sept 2020 for the historians reading this in 2045) released iOS 14 for iPad and iPhone. I have been playing with it for the last little while and let me give you my top 7 things I think you will find most interesting. As well as a special bonus …

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