Category: iPad

This is – probably – why you can’t send email from your iPhone

  It is very confusing. In fact it is one of those situations where you might be close to pulling out every strand of hair just before throwing your iPad – or iPhone – out the window. You can send email while you are at home but as soon as you walk out the door …

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Everything that is new from Apple

So there I was, 3am in the morning,  waiting for the latest Apple event to be streamed live into my lounge room. I was moulded into our couch wearing a dressing gown, slippers and, so as not to wake the saner members of the household, wireless headphones. I had a mug of coco in one …

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What just happened to iTunes?

  I have been working on this article for a while now and must have changed my mind a dozen times about how to write it because, the truth is, I am conflicted. On one hand I can see what Apple Music is supposed to be, but on the other I find the new interface …

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New iOS Malware. Be aware but don’t be concerned

UPDATE 18TH NOV, 2014: The individuals behind the Wirelurker malware were arrested and the rogue App Store closed down by Chinese aithorities. My brief for this website has always been to wade through all the websites, filter out the rubbish and give you what is – admittedly in my opinion – the important (and factual) remains. …

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IOS8 and iPhone6

When the iPad was released in 2010 Steve claimed that the 9 inch form factor was “the optimum size”. History has proved him wrong with the iPad Mini being favored by most of today’s iPad buyers and while I cannot claim to have insider knowledge surrounding the decision to give the original iPhone a 4 …

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