I have been working on this article for a while now and must have changed my mind a dozen times about how to write it because, the truth is, I am conflicted. On one hand I can see what Apple Music is supposed to be, but on the other I find the new interface …
Category: iOS
Permanent link to this article: https://www.macservicesact.com.au/what-just-happened-to-itunes/
Jun 01 2015
Apple Watch
I don’t know about you but when thinking about spending nearly $500 on a watch I’d want to think long and hard about it. After all, its only a watch! I mean, telling the time can come to you for the princely sum of $10.00 and adding (in the case of the cheapest model) $489.00 …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.macservicesact.com.au/apple-watch/
Feb 06 2015
Get to know Reminders
It is no secret that Apple have been pushing to blur the lines between using your iPhone and your Mac. Flagship products like Pages, Numbers and Safari have all been designed to look and feel the same no matter which Apple product you might be using. One such example is the Reminders app and if used …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.macservicesact.com.au/get-to-know-reminders/
Feb 01 2015
One of the best apps you can get for your iPhone
It’s nothing glamorous. It’s not even a technological breakthrough but this little app will transform the way you pay for parking and banish that little box of lose change in your car to the annals of history. My app of the moment is parkmobile and it is freely available from the Appstore. And I love it!! Once downloaded …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.macservicesact.com.au/one-of-the-best-apps-you-can-get-for-your-iphone/
Nov 12 2014
New iOS Malware. Be aware but don’t be concerned
UPDATE 18TH NOV, 2014: The individuals behind the Wirelurker malware were arrested and the rogue App Store closed down by Chinese aithorities. My brief for this website has always been to wade through all the websites, filter out the rubbish and give you what is – admittedly in my opinion – the important (and factual) remains. …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.macservicesact.com.au/new-ios-malware-be-aware-but-dont-be-concerned/
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