Category: Internet

NBN and Airport router

With NBN creeping its way into more and more homes and yet more moving to VDSL, it is inevitable that your Airport/modem setup is going to get broken along the way. While I won’t go into the specific behaviour of your average internet tech, it does seem like they are given a crash course in …

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Privacy is the new black

I am sure you have all been reading – with ever increasing waves of horror – that Facebook data (your data) was used by Cambridge Analytica to aid Donald Trump’s presidental campaign. If you haven’t read about this here is my breakdown… Facebook collects data about its users. Advertising companies use this data and Facebook …

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That little orange light

If you have an Airport (Express or Time Capsule) chances are you’ve seen a little orange light flashing at you from time to time. Chances are you have rebooted the Airport and it has gone away for a few minutes, only to return. This little orange light is designed to tell you that the Airport …

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You want a website?

    There was a time, not that long ago actually, that websites were just for the wealthy.  Just as salt in the 1700s was something only the fabulously wealthy could afford, so too was a good website in the modern era. If you were in business and you had a website people knew  you …

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Getting a better internet speed

We have all been through this and if we make the mistake of asking our ISP for help the answer is always the same… “your line is fine”. And it is true, your line IS fine but the mechanics of the internet, as provided by your ISP, is broken. So here is a way to …

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