This is less like an article and more like a public announcement. It is really a call to action. This is not my work. Not at all. In fact, the lengths these people have gone to in order to expose the scum that call, email and text us day in day out is nothing short …
Category: Internet
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May 11 2022
Tidying up your Apple ID
I know what you are thinking! You’re sitting there convinced you don’t have an iCloud account. Statistically you almost certainly do and if you don’t, you really should. But that is not the subject of my most recent rant but rather its close relative, its ancestor in fact – the Apple ID. Nearly everyone who …
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Jun 10 2021
The Planned Obsolesce Myth
“Don’t you hate Apple’s planned obsolescence?!” This is something I hear a lot, often after I have just delivered the bad news about someone’s Mac… something like they need an upgrade or this hardware is too old to install the latest and greatest OS. It is an understandable feeling when faced with the cost of …
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Feb 15 2021
WIFI isn’t the internet
So, you are reading this so that means you have internet connection. And that is a good thing! God knows, you are paying enough for it. And when I say “it” I am of course talking about the mysterious service that you bought from a voice in South Africa that often does anything but what …
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Dec 13 2020
Get rid of Flash
Steve Jobs knew it way back in 2010 and said as much in an open letter to Adobe telling them that their software was crap and would never be included in iOS until they lifted their game (That is the short version). They, of course, did nothing but as usual Steve was way ahead of …
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