Category: Hardware

The best headphones

Regular readers of this site will, I am sure, already know that I am a big fan of wireless headphones. That is not to say that I am in love with all wireless headphones and that they are all created equally. My first foray into this world of wireless music was a set of Plantronics …

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A serious and very real threat to your WIFI network

  It has been reported that a vulnerability in every wifi network has been discovered and can be easily exploited and used to devastating affect. This is regardless of how secure your password is, in fact the hacker doesn’t even need to know what your password is, to snoop and steal information and take control. …

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There is a difference between a gimmick and a feature

If there is one thing that fries my burger it is twenty somethings using the word ‘like’ as if it were a comma! Please stop! But the other thing is when Apple bring out a product or feature and someone pops up and says “Oh well, you know – like – Samsung did that years …

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Phones, watches and TV. Oh my!

I have said it before, Apple products remain the best and the finest examples of what is possible in the consumer space but it is sad that all the excitement has gone from the Apple seminal presentation. Don’t get me wrong… this isn’t their fault. They continue to be funny, slick and awe inspiring and …

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There is an answer to slow internet

If you live in the ACT there is a pretty good chance that you hate your internet. It is slow. It crashes. It is good for – maybe – browsing the web for a few minutes before it grinds to a halt completely. It would actually be quicker to fly to Sydney, get a cab …

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