Category: Hardware

New iOS Malware. Be aware but don’t be concerned

UPDATE 18TH NOV, 2014: The individuals behind the Wirelurker malware were arrested and the rogue App Store closed down by Chinese aithorities. My brief for this website has always been to wade through all the websites, filter out the rubbish and give you what is – admittedly in my opinion – the important (and factual) remains. …

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The Re-birth of my 2010 iMac

In the months that lead up to the Yosemite launch I decided that when the update finally arrived it would be time to upgrade my hard disk and then perform a clean install. I have had my mac since 2010 and when it shipped it had Snow Leopard installed. Since then I have upgraded in the …

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Have the Mac read your files to avoid mistakes

Eye don’t know about you but I suffer from word blindness. In case you don’t know what that is, it is a condition where you write something down and no matter how many times you look at it, read it (even out loud) it looks OK to you. This is because you KNOW what you MEANT to …

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Bend gate – meh!

In advertising it is consider a badge of honor if 9/10 mums, or chemists or doctors agree or recommend …..such and such. I doubt it very much if anyone would feel compelled to take any product seriously that boasted 9 out of 10,000,000 people think this brand of toothpaste (or anything for that matter) is …

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IOS8 and iPhone6

When the iPad was released in 2010 Steve claimed that the 9 inch form factor was “the optimum size”. History has proved him wrong with the iPad Mini being favored by most of today’s iPad buyers and while I cannot claim to have insider knowledge surrounding the decision to give the original iPhone a 4 …

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