Category: Apple Watch

There is a difference between a gimmick and a feature

If there is one thing that fries my burger it is twenty somethings using the word ‘like’ as if it were a comma! Please stop! But the other thing is when Apple bring out a product or feature and someone pops up and says “Oh well, you know – like – Samsung did that years …

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Phones, watches and TV. Oh my!

I have said it before, Apple products remain the best and the finest examples of what is possible in the consumer space but it is sad that all the excitement has gone from the Apple seminal presentation. Don’t get me wrong… this isn’t their fault. They continue to be funny, slick and awe inspiring and …

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Apple Watch series 2

The Apple Watch is, as regular readers can attest, a favourite of mine. It helps monitor my health, it has inspired me to get off my rear and exercise and it helps me quickly answer phone calls and texts, and this says nothing for the way it monitors my working day, lets me control gadgets …

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Apple Watch 1 year on

Recently the Apple Watch celebrated its 1st birthday so I thought this was as good a time as any to see if it was still relevant. Was it a good purchase? Is it in a draw somewhere? Am I counting the bids it is getting on my eBay page? In theory the Apple Watch can be used for …

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Everything that is new from Apple

So there I was, 3am in the morning,  waiting for the latest Apple event to be streamed live into my lounge room. I was moulded into our couch wearing a dressing gown, slippers and, so as not to wake the saner members of the household, wireless headphones. I had a mug of coco in one …

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