Renny Willins

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  1. Too many Photos? — 7 comments
  2. Urgent Upgrade Recommended — 6 comments
  3. Apple stores – posed the same question. — 6 comments
  4. Working from home — 5 comments
  5. There is an answer to slow internet — 5 comments

Author's posts

If you have installed Lion you really need to do this

If you have installed Lion you really need to create a recovery disk on another hard disk or USB key. Although this takes me back to the dodgy days of Windows 98 creating an emergency floppy disk, its a worthwhile thing to and – fortunately – very easy. First step will be to go to …

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Making Lion more like Snow Leopard

Have you ever met someone at a party and within the first few minutes have wanted to shove their head into a bucket of cement? My wife has. But after a while and a few more drinks you start to like this person, learn to love and perhaps even marry them? My wife has! Well …

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Why does competition come in the form of a soulless copy?

Competition. Everyone seems to agree that competition is a good thing. Competition, the supporters claim, leads to better service, cheaper prices and better products. Well I have my own view of these claims. I have seen competition lead to trashy and bland food because the food companies need to compete to bring seasonal food all …

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Read in peace

Apple have covered this in press releases and Keynote demos but on a day to day basis this little feature is easy to miss. Of course I am referring to the Reader option. Have you ever wanted to read an article on a  web page and been distracted by all the ads running down the …

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Printing Envelopes on a Mac

Computers and printers have been around for, well, ages really and yet, despite all the whiz bang and the speed, the fonts, the games and the graphic cards, not to mention the mega storage space available to the average computer these days – its the printing of labels and envelopes that seems to have proven …

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