Renny Willins

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  1. Too many Photos? — 7 comments
  2. Urgent Upgrade Recommended — 6 comments
  3. Apple stores – posed the same question. — 6 comments
  4. Working from home — 5 comments
  5. There is an answer to slow internet — 5 comments

Author's posts

Apple announce Mountain Lion

Apple’s approach to the release of their next operating system is something of a surprise and is perhaps a sign of things to come. Without warning and certainly without a media event they released a number of details about the next operating system due this year. OS X Mountain Lion–10.8 is yet another attempt to …

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Smartphones are uploading your data to the mothership

Earlier this week it was discovered that a few applications on the iPhone and iPad (As well as other smart phones it must be said) where secretly uploading our address book data to remote servers and I find this shocking–not because these apps were doing it–but more because Apple allowed it. Don’t get me wrong …

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Mountain Lion will kill your (not so old) iMac

No sooner had the dust settled on the shock announcement of Mountain Lion when Chris Rawson of “The Unofficial Apple Website” exposed the horrible truth that some not so old iMacs would not be able to run Mountain Lion  when it is released later this year. Rather then reinventing the wheel here is Chris’s very revealing article that not …

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Lion 10.7.3 Update- Beware

Yesterday Apple released an update to Lion and while this is normally a reason to celebrate and enjoy the bug fixes and enhancements that always come with such an update – this one has a sting! The update located in Software update is a delta update (only updates what is needed) and this one can …

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Password Management – again

It is a fact of life – today we need passwords and we need a lot of them. iPhone, iPad, email, Facebook, banking, twitter, even logging onto your computer needs a password. Well at least it should require one. But with all these passwords comes a mighty confusion and a wailing and a gnashing of teeth …

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