Renny Willins

Most commented posts

  1. Too many Photos? — 7 comments
  2. Urgent Upgrade Recommended — 6 comments
  3. Apple stores – posed the same question. — 6 comments
  4. Working from home — 5 comments
  5. There is an answer to slow internet — 5 comments

Author's posts

iPhone on top for Satisfaction

The latest mobile phone satisfaction survey was released recently and, for the 9th survey in a row Apple came out on top. And why wouldn’t they? For starters the iOS is easily the most integrated OS not just within itself but with a whole host of other services such as Airplay, Apple TV, iCloud and …

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Mavericks- please wait

On the 23rd of October Apple stunned the world with the announcement that Mavericks (their latest OS) was to be free. This fuelled a rush to download and install and I bet you are thinking seriously about doing same but I would advise you wait and approach the upgrade with caution. So why am I …

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iOS7 Help

Once upon a time it wasn’t uncommon to pick up someone’s iPhone and find they hadn’t upgraded it since its release. Now with wireless upgrades and media attention I guess it shouldn’t be surprising that almost everyone I know (teenagers and grandmothers alike) have applied the iOS7 upgrade. Indeed there is a strong possibility that …

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iWork in the cloud – at last

Up till now if you wanted to sit down and compose a Pages document (or Keynote presentation or Numbers spreadsheet for that matter) you needed to do it at your Mac.  Its true that you could do this on your iPad or iPhone but sometimes you need a bigger screen. Sometimes to need more elbow …

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Using your iPhone overseas – solved.

UPDATE 3/10/2014: Globalgig have started offering sim packages that are worth having a look at. Here is a very good article from the folks at LifeHacker to tell you all about it. Well worth considering I think.   With me taking three iPhones and two iPads overseas the obvious question was….How am I going to manage …

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