
Renny Willins

Most commented posts

  1. Too many Photos? — 7 comments
  2. Urgent Upgrade Recommended — 6 comments
  3. Apple stores – posed the same question. — 6 comments
  4. Working from home — 5 comments
  5. There is an answer to slow internet — 5 comments

Author's posts

Despite what I just said…

It was only February this year when I was banging on about Windows emulation software and that Parallels should  be avoided. If you missed that rant or have forgotten, check it out here. However, having just finished telling you that Parallels should be avoided it might be, in the face of Apple’s M1 chip revolution, …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.macservicesact.com.au/despite-what-i-just-said/

The Planned Obsolesce Myth

“Don’t you hate Apple’s planned obsolescence?!” This  is something I hear a lot, often after I have just delivered the bad news about someone’s Mac… something like they need an upgrade or this hardware is too old to install the latest and greatest OS. It is an understandable feeling when faced with the cost of …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.macservicesact.com.au/the-planned-obsolesce-myth/

The New iMac… buy it – but with caution

Like anything I guess… if you work in an industry long enough you see a trend, seemingly long forgotten and considered a bit daggy, come around again. In 1996 the Mac was reborn as the “iMac” and it came in different colours and had transparent cases. The keyboard was colour coded, the mouse was colour …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.macservicesact.com.au/the-new-imac-buy-it-but-with-caution/

Macbook Pro battery recall

If you have a Macbook Pro 2016 or 2017 you’d be forgiven for thinking that its out of warranty. Any issues and the repair, likely expensive, falls to you. Well for the most part, sadly, you are right… but not if you have the aforementioned with a battery issue. Batteries are expensive so that is …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.macservicesact.com.au/macbook-pro-battery-recall/

Office is moving to M1 (yawn)

Support for Apple’s M1 chip is certainly ramping up. While most applications will happily work in emulation, Adobe Photoshop and the gang is on track to be M1 native by early this year.  Also, Parallels has announced that a version of their Windows emulator will be moving to AMD (rather than Intel) so we can …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.macservicesact.com.au/office-is-moving-to-m1-yawn/